In the Bible there is a book called Lamentions. The author was crying out for God's justice, acknowledging and weeping for what was wrong in the world. Here is my lament from last year. I probably have some new lamentations this year...
A lament:
Oh Canada! There are fires burning, A heat dome covers and stretches over parts of you Lives lost in the blistering heat Praying for relief, rains, water
Oh Canada! Other fires have been lit in the pain where we sit A dome of shame cover lands Lives lost in the schools that were not schools, that blistered with cruelty Prayers unheard
Oh Canada, While these fires burn Your first sons and daughters are thirsty for healing Thirsty for justice, Thirsty for clean water for everyone
For those who still haven’t felt The cool relief of acknowledgement in action on their tongues We wear orange, we are burning inside with the flames
I love you Canada You are where I grew Where I am growing Where my family grows We love you But there are fires burning…
-J.S. Wallace

Photo credit Adam Wilson 2019, Unsplash