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  • jenniferswallace

Rough winds

“Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,”

Sometimes there is a loss for words. Sometimes there is just loss.

We need kindness in these rough winds.

May 5th was the day commemorating the lives of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. As I teach my little ones, I am still protective of their hearts and minds. I chose to read to them When We Are Kind by Monique Gray Smith that day. Her words were what I needed to share. It is not okay that simply being a First Nations woman or girl means being more vulnerable. Each missing woman or child is someone who should still be here. This week two young teens were reported missing in separate incidents (may they be found safe.)

When I heard about the shooting in Buffalo, I felt defeated, angry, saddened. Being born with black skin meant being a target in a grocery store. That could have been one of my relatives.

When I heard about the shooting in Uvalde, (another school shooting!), I felt hollowed out. That could have been me with my students.

“It’s time we turned this pain into action,” President Joe Biden said.

Amnesty International is an organization shedding light on gun violence.

Action is needed to protect these darling buds.

We are not without hope. We can be Light in the darkness. Support vulnerable communities. Listen, be an ally, donate time and money. Stand up for mental health, healthcare and education. This means money from our government; vote for politicians who also believe this. Speak out against violence and gun violence. Assault weapons and handguns do not belong in the hands of ordinary citizens. I am grateful for the laws we have in Canada--they do make a difference, even though gun violence does occur here.

Let's not forget to plant some sunflowers and find ways to help people in Ukraine.

“Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:21

How are we taking care of our most vulnerable citizens?

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